Thursday, 12 April 2018

Parts of Flowers and their Functions - By Yesha

Learning Intention: We are learning about a flower.
Success Criteria: I know I am successful when I can draw a flower and label its parts and write their functions.

(Stigma)- Collect pollen from other flower.
(Ovary)- Contains the Ovules.

(Anther)- Pollen sacs.
(Filament)- Holds the anther up.

(Petal)- Large and coloured to attract insects.
(Sepal)- Protects the flower.
(Receptacle)- Supports all parts of flower.
(Style)- The pollen tube grows.

Timeline Tree of the Mission Sisters - By Yesha

Tuesday, 10 April 2018


Learning Intention: We are learning to measure length the 
Success Criteria: I know I am successful when I can measure the 
distance length using my heel and toe, hand span and ruler.

A. Toss the Cannon - 
This is my measurement when I " Toss The Cannon"

1. Heel and Toe - 9 heel and toe and 3/4 of heel and toe
2. Hand Span - 13 hand span and 2 fingers
3. Ruler - 7 feet and 28 cm.

B. Jump the Plank - 
This is my measurement when I" Jump The Plank"

1. Heel and Toe - 5 heel and toe
2. Hand Span - 8 hand span
3. Ruler - 7 feet and 9 cm.

Image result for jump the plank

Monday, 9 April 2018

Tiger - My Dog - By Yesha

Learning Intention: We are learning to write a poem.
Success Criteria: I know I am successful when I can write a poem about my dog.

White spots, brown fur, and brown eyes, 
Long sharp claws, soft and cuddly,

Likes to eat cooked chicken, left over foods and vegetables,
Enjoys walking, and ,chasing cats and rats,

Hates flies, banana peel,and fighting other dogs,
Scared of thunder and earthquakes,

Residence of Cavite City, Philippines.